Acquire data from multiple sources, local and remote. Connect directly to PLCs through serial or Ethernet, or connect to DAQFactory HMI installations using DAQFactory networking. Bring all your data into one place.
View and analyze data on screen in real time. View multiple sites on a single screen for intercomparison and zoom in for site detail. Use the powerful trending, XY and 3D graphing for visual analysis. Utilize the advanced mathematical analysis and data manipulation tools to view results in real-time.
Perform batch control, adjust setpoints on any location. Perform manual adjustments or create automated supervisory control scripts.
Utilize the flexible logging. Create daily logs, log multiple data subsets, log to a database or local file. Email, or FTP daily log files.
Perform alarming with multiple notification options: screen flash, color change or other on screen indication, local horn or signal light, email, pager, or voice phone notification with acknowledgement.
Make changes on the fly: no need to stop and recompile every time you want to add a new screen element or make a tweak to script.