Jun 21 2018
The behavior of quantum particles is strange. These particles are governed by laws of physics designed to reveal smaller scale events through quantum mechanics. In general, properties of the quantum states are very distinct from those of classical states. Yet, particles found to be in a coherent state are in a type of quantum state which acts similar to a classical state. From the time Erwin Schrödinger introduced them in 1926, coherent states of particles have been applied in many ways in quantum optics and mathematical physics.
At present, as part of a first-ever effort, a group of mathematical physicists from Togo and Benin has made use of supersymmetry - a sub-discipline of quantum mechanics - to describe the behavior of particles that receive a photon. These particles are acted upon by specific potential energies called shape-invariant potentials.
In a paper published in EPJD, Komi Sodoga and collaborators affiliated with the University of Lomé, Togo, and the University of Abomey-Calavi, in Cotonou, Benin, have described the details of their theory. The outcomes are highly meaningful for researchers working to solve quantum mechanics and quantum optics applications.
The researchers have demonstrated that their new states are not distributed in a classical manner. The photons are distributed in a manner different from the distribution in traditional coherent states. Their study can be applied to all models that fulfill shape invariance conditions for which there occurs an exact solution, for instance, 3D harmonic oscillator, Coulomb or Morse potentials, and so on.