Jun 10 2015
Light is one of the powerful and trusted ways for us to probe about our environment and to learn about ourselves. It’s use for sensing range from diagnosing how much oxygen is being carried by our blood without drawing a drop of blood, to kilometre scale interferometers used in the quest to search for cosmological phenomena coming from deep space.
Dr Jonathan Matthews’ programme draws on the unique properties of quantum physics to revolutionise optical sensors, aiming for fundamentally enhanced performance, reduced light exposure and reduced cost. “This programme will enable me to work with companies, biologists, chemists and engineers to accelerate practical application of a fresh and revolutionary approach so sensing and measurement” said Dr Matthews. “I’m thrilled with the opportunity that this fellowship represents for myself and my team --- we are going to tackle some really exciting engineering and scientific milestones”.
Professor John Rarity’s programme involves the study of solid state two level systems interacting with cavities and 1 dimensional waveguides. The objectives behind this are to develop a technology which will dramatically reduce the scaling cost for building a quantum information processor. Professor Rarity has also recently been awarded a Royal Society Fellowship showing he is in the top academics in Science in the world.
Congratulations to both for this impressive feat we look forward to seeing the results that come out of these prestigious fellowships.