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Quark Entanglement Observed in High-Energy Collisions

In a recent article submitted to Nature, researchers from the Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (CERN) reported the first observation of quantum entanglement between top and anti-top quarks at high energies. Using data from a toroidal large hadron collider (LHC) apparatus (ATLAS) and compact muon solenoid (CMS) detectors, the spin correlations of quark pairs were measured, confirming entanglement beyond the −1/3 threshold. This achievement opens new avenues for studying quantum phenomena in high-energy particle collisions, advancing the understanding of top-quark physics.

Quark Entanglement Observed in High-Energy Collisions
Study: Quantum feat: physicists observe entangled quarks for the first time. Image Credit: Titima Ongkantong/

Related Work

Past work on quantum entanglement primarily focused on low-energy particles like electrons and photons, where the phenomenon was easier to measure in controlled environments such as quantum computers. Earlier studies had shown that top quarks could have correlated spins, but the extension to confirm true entanglement at high energies, such as in proton collisions at CERN's LHC, had not been explored. Theoretical studies indicated that top quark pairs could be entangled, but experimental confirmation at high energies remained elusive. Recent experiments at CERN's LHC have yielded concrete proof of this entanglement.

Quantum Entanglement in Quarks

Scientists observed quantum entanglement between top and anti-top quarks at CERN by analyzing data from the ATLAS and CMS detectors at the LHC. Physicists focused on about one million pairs of top and anti-top quarks, the heaviest known fundamental particles produced in the aftermath of high-energy proton collisions.

These quark pairs were observed for their spin correlations to determine whether they were entangled. The analysts set out to assess quantum entanglement by establishing a correlation parameter, D. If this parameter fell below -1/3, it would signify the presence of entanglement.

Top quarks have a short lifespan, decaying within seconds into longer-lived particles. This decay process was critical in the experiment because the quarks decayed quickly enough to avoid "hadronization," the process by which quarks typically mix with others to form protons and neutrons. By avoiding hadronization, the top quarks preserved their spin information, allowing scientists to measure the properties of the resulting decay particles and use that data to infer the spin properties of the original top quarks.

The ATLAS and CMS teams used their respective detectors to make experimental measurements of the top-quark spins. The obtained measurements were subsequently evaluated against the theoretical expectations derived from the standard model of particle physics. However, the experimental results did not perfectly align with theoretical models of top-quark production and decay, presenting challenges in the analysis.

To address these discrepancies, the CMS team introduced a hypothesized "toponium" state, where the top and anti-top quark are bound together, to bring theoretical predictions closer to the experimental data. Ultimately, both teams' measurements exceeded the required threshold for entanglement, with ATLAS measuring a D value of -0.537 and CMS recording -0.480, confirming quantum entanglement in these high-energy particle interactions.

Entanglement Measurement Challenges.

The observation of quantum entanglement between top and anti-top quarks encountered significant challenges due to the noisy, high-energy environment of the LHC, complicating the detection of entangled states. The vast amount of data generated from chaotic proton collisions made isolating and measuring the subtle spin correlations necessary to confirm entanglement difficult. Despite these hurdles, the groundbreaking findings underscore the potential for further exploration of quantum phenomena at high energies.

The rapid decay of top quarks, with a lifespan of approximately 10-25 seconds, posed a significant challenge for measurements, necessitating capturing their properties before transforming them into longer-lived particles. The complexities in modeling their production and decay processes also resulted in discrepancies between theoretical predictions and experimental results. Innovative theoretical constructs, such as the "toponium" state, were proposed to address these issues and enhance the alignment between the findings and established models.

Future Research Directions

The successful observation of quantum entanglement between top and anti-top quarks paves the way for future research in high-energy particle physics, particularly in investigating entanglement in other fundamental particles like the Higgs boson. These experiments enabled a more profound understanding of quantum mechanics and the standard model.

Furthermore, employing advanced collider technologies and detectors may enhance the precision of entanglement measurements, enabling more robust tests of quantum theories at unprecedented energy scales.

The findings could spur innovative applications in quantum information science, enhancing quantum computing and communication systems through more efficient algorithms. Additionally, exploring entanglement's role in complex quantum systems may foster collaboration between experimental and theoretical physicists to address fundamental questions in quantum mechanics.


To summarize, scientists successfully observed quantum entanglement between top and anti-top quarks at CERN, marking a significant milestone in high-energy particle physics. This groundbreaking experiment provided overwhelming evidence for entanglement despite the challenges posed by the LHC's noisy environment.

The findings reinforced existing theories in quantum mechanics and opened new avenues for exploring entanglement in other fundamental particles. This analysis set the stage for future investigations that could deepen the understanding of quantum phenomena at unprecedented energy scales.

Journal Reference

Garisto, D. (2024). Quantum feat: physicists observe entangled quarks for the first time. Nature. DOI: 10.1038/d41586-024-02973-7,

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Silpaja Chandrasekar

Written by

Silpaja Chandrasekar

Dr. Silpaja Chandrasekar has a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Anna University, Chennai. Her research expertise lies in analyzing traffic parameters under challenging environmental conditions. Additionally, she has gained valuable exposure to diverse research areas, such as detection, tracking, classification, medical image analysis, cancer cell detection, chemistry, and Hamiltonian walks.


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