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Overcoming Computational Barriers with Quantum Simulation

Researchers at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) have made a groundbreaking achievement by creating the world's first quantum microprocessor chip specifically for simulating the molecular spectroscopy of large, complex molecules. This innovation addresses the challenge of modeling quantum effects like superposition and entanglement, which are computationally intensive for classical methods. Their study was published in Nature Communications.

Prof. Liu Ai-Qun, a Chair Professor of Quantum Engineering and Science and Director of the Institute for Quantum Technology (IQT)

Prof. Liu Ai-Qun, a Chair Professor of Quantum Engineering and Science and Director of the Institute for Quantum Technology (IQT), a global STEM Scholar and Fellow of Singapore Academy Engineering, (left), and Dr Zhu Hui Hui (right) have successfully developed a quantum microprocessor chip for molecular spectroscopy simulation of actual large-structured and complex molecules. Image Credit: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Quantum simulation allows scientists to model and investigate complex systems that are often too difficult or even impossible to tackle with classical computers. This technology spans a range of fields, from financial modeling and cybersecurity to pharmaceutical research and AI. For example, studying molecular vibronic spectra is crucial for understanding molecular properties and advancing molecular design and analysis. Yet, this remains a challenging computational problem that traditional supercomputers struggle to solve efficiently.

Researchers are actively developing quantum computers and algorithms to tackle these issues, aiming to simulate molecular vibronic spectra more effectively. However, current efforts are constrained by their focus on simple molecules due to limitations in accuracy and the presence of noise in the simulations.

In this research, Dr. Zhu's team successfully demonstrated a large-scale quantum microprocessor chip and introduced a complex theoretical model using a linear photonic network and squeezed vacuum quantum light sources to simulate molecular vibronic spectra. The 16-qubit quantum microprocessor chip was fabricated and integrated into a single unit. The team also developed a comprehensive system that included hardware integration for optical, electrical, and thermal components, as well as software for device drivers, user interfaces, and fully programmable quantum algorithms. This quantum computing system lays the groundwork for future applications.

The quantum microprocessor also has the potential to tackle complex problems, such as simulating large protein structures or optimizing molecular reactions, with significantly enhanced speed and accuracy.

Our approach could yield an early class of practical molecular simulations that operate beyond classical limits and hold promise for achieving quantum speed-ups in relevant quantum chemistry applications.

Dr. Hui Hui Zhu, Primary Project Manager and Study First Author, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Quantum technologies are essential in fields like condensed matter physics, chemistry, and materials science. Quantum microprocessor chips present a promising alternative for quantum information processing, offering an attractive hardware platform for these applications.

The integrated quantum microprocessor chip developed from this research paves the way for numerous practical applications. For instance, it has the potential to address complex problems such as molecular docking and leveraging quantum machine learning techniques, including graph classification.

Our research is inspired by the potential real-world impact of quantum simulation technologies. In the next phase of our work, we aim to scale up the microprocessor and tackle more intricate applications that could benefit society and industry.

Ai-Qun Liu, Professor, Department of Quantum Engineering and Science, Singapore Academy of Engineering

The team has made a groundbreaking advancement in quantum technology that can truly be called “a game changer.” They have successfully addressed the complex challenge of simulating molecular spectra using a quantum computing microprocessor. This research represents a major leap forward in quantum technology and highlights its potential for future quantum computing applications.

Journal Reference:

Zhu, H. H., et al. (2024) Large-scale photonic network with squeezed vacuum states for molecular vibronic spectroscopy. Nature Communications.

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